How to Leave a Good Impression When the Seller Finally Calls

How to Leave a Good Impression When the Seller Finally Calls

If you’re new in the business, you may be debating on whether to stick with trusty old voice mail or actually make the effort to invest in a reliable “Live Answer” paging service. On the chance that you haven’t made a decision, here’s a sound recommendation: opt for live answer

In fact, you should make it a must.

If you’re really determined to make a worthwhile investment, go for something that will help you have good returns on your business, and a quality answering service will definitely boost your marketing campaign. Unless you find yourself sitting at your desk in the office most days – in which case you don’t need a system to take the calls for you – it’s highly recommended that you go for a company that offers “live service” answer.

After all, what’s the point of shelling out the extra cash if you’re just going to mess it up before you even get to talk to the prospect lead?

Here’s the thing: if you finally land yourself an enthusiastic seller but all they get is an answering machine or voice mail, there’s a very big chance – about 6 or 7 out of 10, in fact – will simply hang up and move on to the person next on their list. Not a promising notion, of course, and here’s why.

First of all, a lot of sellers are hesitant about doing business with a house buyer take from an advertisement. They’d prefer to have at least a little bit of information about you first before making the decision to share their name and contact number. But that’s not going to happen if an answering machine picks up their call.

Secondly, a seller is bound to be results oriented, and that means they want to talk to somebody right now. They won’t wait for a return phone call that may or may not ever happen. If you’ve ever been at the receiving end of a voice mail, then you know how frustrating that can be.

Now, if you absolutely must use a voice mail at the moment, then the least you can do is have a separate number ( or dedicated menu prompt ) for house sellers so they don’t get mixed up with a lot of other calls, leave a message, and get back to them right away.

But that should be your very last option, something you’ll do only when you really can’t afford those extra dollars. But if by any means you can, then you should definitely go for a paging service that has live operators who will answer the phone any way you want – sort of like establishing the kind of image you want to project.

For example, you can go for the guy or girl next door approach as opposed to being part of a formal company. And to make the message simple and clear, have the operators cover just the basic: first and last name, phone numbers, and nature of the call.

The call then gets sent out to you as a text message and you can return the call as soon as you possibly can. The caller doesn’t have to know it’s a paging service rather than your actual office, but it leaves a great impression. How’s that for a sensible business move?

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